"Packag!ng not sh!ny, so our !mpr!nt !s TINY"

Well, the reasons are these: sustainability, conservation, and an urgent need to find a way to grow, harvest, and dispose of life sustaining food for the people, the fauna, and flora. Let's be honest, technology is racing with us and past us at alarming speeds. We all need QUICK and convenient snacks and foods that are easy to microwave at work, quick and effortless to microwave at the airport, and GUILT free disposal, even if your enjoying the great outdoors. Just pour the protein rich and fiber full batter right into a skillet for Presto cakes! Then, use the compostable sugarcane packaging and cellulose baggies as fire starter...
For We the People:
With daily mounting pressures, schedules, and new illnesses on the rise, we need as much organic protien, fiber and vitamin rich, non-GMO food as we can devour. As fast as our population is growing, it is downright frightening! Let's embrace truly good food that is for the good, all-around. Coffee flour, for instance, is a food on a mission. Every year, billions of pounds of coffee fruit are discarded as a byproduct of coffee production. Instead of leaving the fruit to rot, coffee flour was created to transform the leftover fruit into a nutritious flour that can be used for baking, cooking and even beverages. High in fiber, protein, and antioxidants, coffee flour helps create jobs for farmers by employing more workers to process the coffee fruit.
For the Fauna:
Our CALDWELL, IDAHO grown TEFF is an Ethiopian SUPER grain that is high in protein and fiber. Long distance runners have used the tiny sensational grain for centuries. "Once solely grown in the rugged Ethiopian highlands, TEFF is popping up in the windswept fields of the Snake River Valley in Idaho. "The demand for TEFF has created a ripple effect that reaches from Addis Ababa to BOISE to D.C." - The Washington Post July 29, 2012. "Teff also plays an important role in sustainable agriculture, thanks to its ability to grow in unpredictable climates and challenging circumstances." Food Revolution Network, Ocean Robbins, November 26, 2021
At an average weight gain for cattle of more than 1#/ day compared to grass hay. It is protein packed grain and hay for domestic animals, wild animals and birds. Inexpensive and reseeding in most climates, the multiple harvests per season provide feed and feed and food for all! We ALL need to get on the "TEFF Train".
From Teff train to SUGARCANE: although primarily an Asian export, Florida, Hawaii, Louisiana, Texas and Puerto Rico supply a portion of the world's supply. That number increases every year. As well as sugar, sugarcane is also used as a fuel, production of fiber board, papers and plastics.
For the Flora:
"Could TEFF, an ancient African grain, find a foothold in a warming California?" - Los Angeles Times September 3, 2019 YES!
5 pounds of TEFF seeds can plant an ACRE of land producing over a ton of grain. TEFF germinates quickly and is usually ready for harvest 35 - 50 days after first planting. Single-harvest hay yields 1.5 to 2.5 TONS per acre (5#s of seed)
Super fast growing, TEFF has a range of adaptations, including erosion control by germinating quickly in dry or waterlogged soil,thereby holding nutrients and adding nutrients to deficient soil.
While we're at it, JUST SAY NO to palm oil. WE DO!
Found in everything from shampoo to donuts, palm oil is now the most common vegetable oil in the world—and also one of the world's leading deforestation drivers (www.ucsusa.org/resources/palm-oil)
Let's F.!.N.D. a way
Fast Intr!ns!c Nutr!t!ous & Del!c!ous

"Lighten the Landfills"